

Sunday, October 25, 2015


Atelophobia: the fear of not being good enough

i fear not being good enough to get out of this grey
world i have been living in and experience new colors

i fear i'm not good enough to make others happy or
make people stay after they've seen every single dark
shadow inside of me.

i fear of not being good enough to know if i wanna go left
is that really my choice?
or am i being controlled by some force?

and if i go right am i overcoming the force?
or is the force controlling me all the same?

all of this fear and worry is destroying me piece by
piece: i need to come to the realization that it's okay to not 
be great at everything.

draw stick figures. sing off key. write bad poems. sew ugly clothes. run slowly. flirt clumisly. play video games on easy.

you do not need to be good at something to enjoy it. talent is overrated. 
do the things you like doing. it's okay to suck.

it's okay to not be good enough.

good enough is being me.


  1. This is the most important thing I've read all night.

    "draw stick figures. sing off key. write bad poems. sew ugly clothes. run slowly. flirt clumisly. play video games on easy." #stolen

  2. this was motivating. honestly, i know that's an incredibly lame thing to saw but you made me smile while i'm in a whirlwind of sad blog posts and an awful day so thank you, you are motivating.
