

Sunday, November 29, 2015

so hello

i am obsessed with the sky
which is why my pen name is a constellation

i am mostly afraid of going through life misunderstood

i get too caught up on the things that don't matter

and i've learned it takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.

and thanks to nelson and monocerous for helping me accomplish that.

i have come to love the fool inside of me,

the one who:

feels too much
talks too much
takes too many chances
wins sometimes and loses often
loves and hates
hurts and gets hurt
laughs and cries

i try to be happy so that when others look at me they become happy too.
cause i am not mona lisa.
i wont depend on anyone to draw a smile on my face. i control my own brush and i'll paint my own reality

I am Sarah Barry


  1. Fantastic reveal!!! You're always so positive and bubbly- I love it!!! You're just awesome, Sarah :)

  2. sarahhhh. so good! loved it. loved reading your blog every week.

  3. "i have come to love the fool inside of me,"
    Yesss I loved this reveal! This was soo freaking good. Nice to meet you Sarah

  4. Ive stoled so many lines from your blog and I loved your reveal.
    you are the cutest human sarah, thank you for sharing.

  5. "I control my own brush."#stolen. Nice to meet you Sarah Barry :) your blog was one of my favorites

  6. The fool inside me


  7. SURI!!!!!! So grateful I stole your eraser in the first grade and that we've been friends ever since! I absolutely love you and your blog was amazing.

  8. sarah this was such an unreal reveal (that rhymed kinda)
    and the words you write are real
    and not even just on this post but on them all.
    and i like them a lot

  9. i wont depend on anyone to draw a smile on my face. i control my own brush and i'll paint my own reality

    thank you for letting me get to know you, it's been incredible and i hope it's not quite over yet.

  10. Noah the Mona Lisa line.

    I've read yours every week. and I've been really curious where Monoceros came from so this is great to know.

  11. This is such a great reveal and using a constellation for a pen name is genius!
