take me back to when monsters were my biggest fear in life
and the only thing scary about going onto the next grade were the shots
take me back to when learning how to blow a bubble was the most difficult task.
take me back to recess
Mostly all i want back is the simplicity of being a kid again.
finger paintings
being a princess one day then a hero the next.
doing whatever i want when i wanted and not caring what others thought
having a "late night" with friends.
when we were kids we feared high school, we feared the duties that were to come of being a teenager.
it's interesting how the things we feared the most when we were kids have already happened to us...
why do we insist on making this simple life complicated?
i want my crayons back.
SERIOUSLY?!??!? Why do we want life to be so complicated???? Great post :) I really liked it :)